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Review | Monstrous by Nicole M. Rubino (ARC)


Monstrous by Nicole M. Rubino
455 pages, kindle

Publication date: January 17, 2024
Genres: New Adult/Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Mythology, Mystery 

Rating: 3.5 – 4/5 stars

I’ve never been afraid of the dark.

I never needed a nightlight when I was younger or any reassurance that there was no monster in my closet or under my bed.

Perhaps that’s because a part of me always knew I was one.

Sharp teeth and claws weren’t the type of gifts I’d expected for my eighteenth birthday, along with the desire to eat my ex-boyfriend. Yet those monstrous traits are the exact reason I’m here, at Alystair University.

Alystair University was all I heard about growing up. Its prestige and exclusivity could rival any Ivy League. But that’s not the real reason that sets the school apart from others. Everyone at this school is a monster. Like me.

I should feel safe here. This school will afford me the opportunity to hone my monstrous abilities and curb my carnivorous urges. Not to mention, I have a fierce girl gang by my side, guiding me every step of the way.

But then decapitated bodies start showing up on campus. Someone is killing off students, and in a school full of monsters, everyone is a suspect. Yet all eyes are on Nick Cervallos, a boy whose charm is as deadly as his claws.

And who I can’t seem to stay away from.

I’m determined to prove Nick’s innocence, but in order to do that, I’ll have to tap into my monstrous side. I just don’t know what I’m more afraid of – coming face to face with a blood-thirsty monster…

Or myself.


oh my god, the ending!!!!

Monstrous by Nicole M. Rubino is an engaging Greek Mythology fantasy romance, full of twists that you won’t see coming. Centered around a university for legendary monsters and their descendants, a world masterfully crafted unfolds, brimming with captivating lore and unforgettable characters who have etched a permanent place in my heart.

Although I loved this book, the pacing in the beginning was weird and there were moments when the dialogue seemed a bit too childish at times. Also, the formation of the “girl gang” felt unconvincing; they became close friends within moments of meeting, a scenario that, in my opinion, felt unrealistic given the current dynamics among girls; girls aren’t as friendly nowadays. However, as the story unfolded, I found myself appreciating the connections they forged and the unwavering support they provided for one another.

Rhiannon “Rhi” Owens, the main character, she is selfless, unwaveringly loyal, and a captivating monster, her journey from a normal teenage girl with a dark incident to a fearless leader, although it was slightly annoying at times when she didn’t want to accept help from her best friends, but I get it she doesn’t want to put more people in dangers way. I really wish we got to know more about her bio parents/finding them. Hopefully in the next book!

Nicholas, the male protagonist, is a dreamlike creation—a strong, mysterious, and alluring being, who maintains a gentlemanly demeanor despite his monstrous nature. We get to know a lot about him… and his big reveal of who he actually is… although getting to that point dragged on a lot. Nick’s relationship with Rhi is marked by a determination to protect her at any cost. I loved their dynamic as a couple, and despite the prophecy, I really hope they can work things out!!

Monstrous was such a fun read, the twists had me gasping, sobbing, and kicking my feet in the air while clutching my iPad to my chest; there were so many great moments between all the characters and the friendships were amazing. This book really makes you feel like you’re amongst the characters enduring everything with them.

The main issue I have with this book (other than the stuff I previously said) is it’s very similar to a lot of books out there already. I couldn’t help but notice a semblance to a book I read last year, I’ve Watched You Die by Karina Banks (if you’ve read this one and loved it then you should check out I’ve Watched You Die by Karina Banks or visa-versa). The shared elements of an adopted girl discovering her latent powers upon reaching a certain age, being accepted into a specialized academy for her kind, Mythology (IWYD – Norse mythology), prophecies.. etc.

Of course, Monstrous has its own uniqueness and has Percy Jackson vibes – a school for descendants of the Greek monsters/gods!  I loved that aspect of the book so much and I’m highly anticipating book 2, I DESPERATELY need to know more, especially after that ending!! I have so many questions!

If you love,

❥ monster college
❥ murder mystery
❥ dark academia
❥ greek mythology
❥ slightly spicy romance
❥ slow – medium burn
❥ girl gang vibes
❥ twists on twists and a jaw-dropping ending

this is the book for you!

Thank you for the ARC Nicole ❤

~Author Bio~

Nicole M. Rubino

Nicole Rubino is a lover of fantasy, though she loves a steamy contemporary romance for good measure. Monstrous is her debut adult novel, and is the first of a three-book series. Morticia Addams is her role model, and you will often find Nicole belting out the tunes to any Stevie Nicks or Fleetwood Mac song (alas, not well). The mother of four young dragons (children), Nicole manages the beautiful chaos of her home by channeling it into her poor characters instead. Nicole lives in New York with her 100% Aries of a husband and said dragons.

Website / GoodreadsTikTok / Instagram


Happy Reading!


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